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tienbier time. Wow, that was fun. Fire, hot rocks, pokers, poles, and wort. What more could you ask for?

Blowing off the rocks with an
air compressor

Making sure the beer won't taste like ash.

Going from cold to steeping
temperatures was going to take
more day than we had... we called in the propane burner
and eventually brought it up to almost boiling

In goes some malt. It was supposed
to be a 33# jerry can but the LHBS messed up.
10 cans, oh joy.

In goes more malt.

In goes more malt.

In goes more malt.

Carrying it all over to the fire.

We placed it close to the fire to lessen the
transport of hot rocks.

Got to boiling quickly.

Lots of blowing off ash.

Hops time.

Nice boil.

More hops.

More hops.

Stir in the hops.

Very nice boil.

Almost boil over.

Lots of splashing.

”I am a 10th level beer nerd.”

”Grab my poker please!”

So many choices when a bunch of brewers
and a 10th level beer snob come to the party.

Close to finishing.

Transferring wort to carboys.

Carboys ready to be filled.

”I drink the beer that I brew.””No ,wait.”
“I brew the beer that I drink.” “And I
make my own cheese too.”

Sumpfhaus Bruan ready to start

Karankawa Pale Ale

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Karankawa Pale Ale all bottled up. Tasted very good too. This brew uses Sorachi Ace hops, a bit lemony. Can't wait for three weeks to pass now so I can try this brew.

I had to secondary this so I could use my Better Bottle for the Glen Charlie Pond Grapefruit Pale Ale. Looks like it benefited from my nice cold cellar temperatures.

Homebrew Hero

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Homebrew hero she is! Sarah scored an amazing find on Freecycle today. Seven 5-gallon glass carboys, a bottle tree, and an Italian Champagne Floor Corker! FREE!

Homemade Valentines

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Valentine's Day is just around the corner. And those of us with kids know that means we have to visit the store to purchase cheap, junky Valentine's for the kids in class. Not this year.

I had this vision of an easy craft that even our
5 year old can take considerable participation in making. I had been collecting the empty tissue boxes for a while now. I figured there were interesting patterns and it was fairly sturdy cardboard. Just the thing needed for our Valentine.

I took a cookie cutter and traced
hearts onto the cardboard. I got 6 hearts per tissue box and had plenty for both classes. The kids cut the hearts out, and I hole punched around the perimeter of each heart. Then the kids laced yarn through the holes, joining the two ends of the yarn in a knot and leaving a tail at the bottom.

The kids wrote messages on the plain
side of the heart. Voila! Almost free and pretty fancy Valentine's Day cards.

New Name

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New plan. Thought better of the Ugly Dude and realized that may have poor marketability. Who would be holding a bottle with Ugly Dude written on it? So, name scrapped. How about this one instead?

Two if By Sea Brewing Company

Here are some ideas for the lineup:
Boghouse Brown
Capt. John Kendrick's Porter
Agawam Ale - Pale Ale
Red Brook - Irish Red
Alewife IPA
Alewife2 DIPA
Tremont Nailed - Tripel
R.C. Randall Rye
White Island - Witbier
Pokanoket Sour - Russ
Old Herring - Altbier
Dried Herring Sticke Alt
Nail Works Bock
Nuits de Reve - Oatmeal Stout
Old Samuel Tisdale - Barley Wine
Bog Shinny - Kolsch
Little Harbor Lager
Grey Gull Stout - Foreign Extra Stout
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